This is a remix of ChiMuFeng's previous remix of the laptop stand. I shortened the front tabs because the laptop really only uses the first small piece to hold it in place, the rest is wasted and allows them to be shorter for easier insertion/removal. I also dropped some unnecessary stuff by leaving it in an empty space. I used (3) 1/8" metal or plastic rods to join the two sides (it fits the hex pad perfectly) and then some rubber feet for the bottom to keep things from slipping.
I've also included a shortened version of the stand without any back support. Only use if your laptop is front heavy.
Eğer bu modelden ürettiyseniz fotoğraflarını yükleyebilirsiniz. Üretim kaydı eklemek için Buraya tıklayın
laptop stand, bilgisayar standı, laptop stant
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